you sexy thang


Come one, come all to the nextest, bestest autumnal festivus that Weedsport has ever seen! Think you know what Farm Fall Festivus is all about? Think again because this year, two thousand and eighteen, is the year that our favorite Patty and second-favorite Ian get hitched!


The Kyles, Joneses and future Kyle-Joneses* have quite lot of other things to do in preparation for the matrimonial ceremony, and have thus wisely bequeathed unto some trustworthy friends the task of organizing you lot for a rousing day of marriage-themed games, forest frolicks and, most importantly, endless kowtowing to the happy couple. Logistical information follows, but let me emphasize that our objective is to show Patty and Ian how much we love them, support them and celebrate their union. Also, there will be games so obviously the ‘secondary’ objective is to win.

Onwards to victory and glory on behalf of our titular love birds! Pian 4 evah.




Saturday, September 1st, 2018


Please arrive around 2:00 pm. Games will begin by 3:00 pm, so if you cannot arrive by 2:30 let us know and somebody will come get you, or you can venture south on your own (map below).


The wedding, and all pre-wedding activities, will be centered around the Kyle’s farm.

2451 Hamilton Street Weedsport, NY

The games will be played 0.59 miles due south in the marginal habitat between forest and field.



Dinner will be served in the forest, to be followed by dancing and a bonfire.


All are welcome to camp near the wedding venue after the day of fun and games concludes. There will be portable showers available to ensure that all wedding guests are presentable the following day.


Please wear clothing and footwear that you are comfortable running and jumping around in. Pants recommended. This part of the wedding weekend is a classy affair only in the way that waxed canvas pants with a button down denim shirt is.

Bring layers and other warmth-preservers, too!

All are welcome, but please let us know if you will be accompanied by your tiny humans so that we can have fun things for them to do, too! We hope that you can join us, and are available to answer questions or address concerns. Contact us through this website!


Also, please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.




*this is a joke made without any knowledge of Patty and Ian’s surname plans.